New is Old and Old is New

This new URL ( is now the permanent archive of the former Back to the Fridge site. The old URL ( is now the new site. If you’ve run across this new old site looking for the new new site then you need to go to the new old site. If, on the other hand, you really want to read the old site, then you’re in the right place.


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Where the Heck is Charlie?

August 19th, 2008

Okay, okay … I haven’t posted since August 5. (And I haven’t had a good post, really, since July 30.) But that will all be changing soon. Get ready for Back to the Fridge 2: Electric Boogaloo. Next Monday, August 25, 2008, I’ll be re-launching the site. It’ll have a new look, a new purpose, […]

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The Women’s Magazine Diet

August 5th, 2008

This is the third of three reviews of popular diets. To the untrained eye, the Women’s Magazine Diet looks strikingly similar to the Fad Diet. However, a closer look will reveal important differences. This diet routinely begins with an article called THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FAD DIET. This in-depth piece of journalism exposes the lies […]

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The Fad Diet

August 4th, 2008

This is the second of three reviews of popular diets. Since the Regular Diet apparently wasn’t making anyone bucket loads of money, the Fad Diet was created. The primary goal of the diet is to get ten million people to buy the book. The primary goal of the book is to get you, the consumer, […]

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The Regular Diet

August 3rd, 2008

This is the first of three reviews of popular diets. Most of us grew up with this diet. It invariably takes the shape of some regular geometric object and recommends you eat some foods more than others. The proportions change in response to food industry lobbying, so it’s hard to tell what’s good for you […]

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You Mean I’m Not Cured?

July 30th, 2008

Nearly one year ago I had myself a minor epiphany of sorts. If you’re curious about the details, read this. But the short of it is: on August 12, 2007, I developed a near instantaneous and rational fear of diabetes. The good news is it was enough to flip The Switch but good. By cutting […]

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The Chip Problem Solved

July 22nd, 2008

If it isn’t cookies and ice cream, then it’s chips and dip. Everybody has at least one major weakness and for most of us it’s either sweets or salt. I’m in the latter category. Potato chips, Doritos, and the greatest snack cracker ever, Cheez-Its, have all at one time or another ruined a perfectly good […]

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Eating Out

July 19th, 2008

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I went out to eat yesterday three times. (And let me tell you, this did nothing to help out with Diet #87.) The good news is I think I finally found a way to limit my eating to just 150,000 calories a day. The bad news is on this […]

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The Lake and the Egg

July 16th, 2008

I started talking about swimming in yesterday’s post. If folks don’t mind a break from lots of talk about eating right and exercising, I offer up this thirty year old tale about exercising and eating wrong. Back when I was around eleven or twelve, I went to a Boy Scout summer camp. Like all good […]

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How Do You Spell Summer?

July 15th, 2008

For many of us, it’s s-w-i-m-m-i-n-g. Me, I like to swim. I always have and always will. There’s just something so indescribably exhilarating about (literally) submersing ourselves in this watery, alien environment. That funny little crab character from The Little Mermaid had it right: “Definitely better down where it’s wetter, take it from me.” Although […]

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Day One #86

July 14th, 2008

This is it! Never mind the eighty-five Day Ones that came before. This is the one that will stick. Now I’m sure you’re dying to know what makes this time different from all the other times. Go on. Go ahead and ask me. “But, Charlie, what makes this time different?” Well, I’m glad you asked! […]

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The Four Laws of Dieting

July 8th, 2008

After you’ve been dieting for as long as I have, you begin to see patterns emerge. You learn that dieting is really all about “cause and effect”. The great Sir Isaac Newton proposed this concept of causality while he himself was on a diet. As he sat under a tree thinking about eating a pizza, […]

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The Elephant in the Room

June 30th, 2008

If there’s one thing I know about elephants, it’s that they’re big. Really big. I learned this first-hand when I was about eight or so. I went to the zoo and saw one and I thought to myself, “Man, that’s a really big animal. How could one of those possibly sit in the corner of […]

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Tales from the Treadmill, Part 3

June 26th, 2008

My trial membership to the gym is coming to a close, and I have to admit, I’m starting to like the place. I also have to admit when I first found out about the exorbitant monthly fee, I wasn’t too thrilled with the idea. But now that I’ve been there three times, … well … […]

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Tales from the Treadmill, Part 2

June 23rd, 2008

I should go on record stating I’ve never liked treadmills. I mean, come on. The word itself is a synonym for dull, boring, and never-endingly repetitive. And think about it. How many times in your life have you ever heard anyone utter phrases like these: “Rough week, gang! How about after work on Friday we […]

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Tales from the Treadmill

June 19th, 2008

When I was in high school, the empty parking lot across from our house spontaneously turned into a health and racquetball club. Seemingly overnight, the place where I used to ride my bike for free became a place where I could now ride a stationary bike for thirty dollars a month. I don’t remember exactly […]

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In Defense of Fad Diets

June 16th, 2008

You know the routine by now. Flip the channel, open a magazine, or click a link and you’re confronted with yet another in-depth piece of journalism talking about how horrible fad diets are. “Don’t eat a diet solely of grapefruit for the rest of your life,” they wisely tell us. Um…okay. This is obvious, obvious […]

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A Chip By Any Other Name

June 7th, 2008

There are two kinds of people in the world: those that divide the world into two kinds of people and those that don’t. Since I am squarely in the former group, today I will divide the world into people that bring their lunch to work and people that don’t. And, once again, you will find […]

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Nuff Said, Part 2

May 28th, 2008

Time to update our review of 2008: 01/01/08 Happy New year (DAY ONE) 01/02/08 DAY ONE 01/07/08 DAY ONE 01/08/08 DAY ONE 01/12/08 DAY ONE 02/12/08 DAY ONE 02/18/08 DAY ONE 03/19/08 Day One Again…? 03/24/08 Day One Again, Again…? 03/30/08 Day One Again and Again and Again and Again 04/07/08 THIS time: DAY ONE […]

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Two Views

May 8th, 2008

The first view is an interview. The second is a review. To view the ’views, have a clicky or two here: Michy Devon’s interview Rachel Boehm’s review And here’s what a few famous people had to say after reading my book: Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. —Mark Twain […]

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Just Because

April 19th, 2008

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The Diet Calendar

April 1st, 2008

For those of you out there who aren’t sure how to go on a diet, I’ve whipped up a four-week calendar which might help you out. It shows how the majority of dieters spend their first month dieting.           Click on a thumbnail for either a full sized image or a PDF for higher quality […]

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Nuff Said

March 31st, 2008

01/01/08 Happy New year (DAY ONE) 01/02/08 DAY ONE 01/07/08 DAY ONE 01/08/08 DAY ONE 01/12/08 DAY ONE 02/12/08 DAY ONE 02/18/08 DAY ONE 03/19/08 Day One Again…? 03/24/08 Day One Again, Again…? 03/30/08 Day One Again and Again and Again and Again 03/31/08 No, Really. This Time. DAY ONE

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First Author Event

February 10th, 2008

Okay. The book is written and I now have no choice but to get the word out myself. So here’s my first go: an author event and book signing at BookPeople in Austin, Texas. Having never done one of these, I have to admit I was a bit nervous. I had no idea what to […]

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What’s a Platform?

January 31st, 2008

I haven’t said much about the book since my publishing dilemma. At that time, I doubted my ability to launch this book on my own and decided to find a literary agent. Well, after querying fifteen agents in three months, I have my answer: no. At first, I was surprised. I thought if any book […]

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Happy New Year

January 2nd, 2008

Well, it could have been worse. (And it definitely has been worse, that’s for sure.) First the good news. I’m 216. That’s a gain of only about six pounds. For some of you, this may sound like a lot. But for me, the guy used to gaining ten, fifteen, or even twenty pounds in unbridled […]

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November 23rd, 2007

If you’ve read the book, you know that Thanksgiving through New Years is the worst. The worst. Year after year, no matter how well (or unwell) I’m doing, it falls apart during this time of year. I’m worthless and weak. If you’ve read this blog, you know that the last couple months have gone well. […]

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So Is That It? (Part 2)

November 14th, 2007

A couple of days after I hit the 20 pound mark, I weighed in at 211 and wrote, “I can see this being the next plateau for a while…” I was right. But I wasn’t right right away. On October 27, 2007 I hit 209.5 which was HUGE. Having a number start with “2” and […]

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What To Do, What To Do?

November 4th, 2007

The book is out now, by the way. I didn’t blog about it, but it was officially released October 29, 2007 and I’m already having second thoughts about my decision to self-publish. A few things that led me to that decision were: Faster time to market Complete control Eliminate the middle man Prove to the […]

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Next Milestone Reached

October 20th, 2007

I can barely believe it, but I hit the twenty pound mark today. Total time: 70 days. Not bad. Not bad at all. And what did I do? I basically avoided the white foods. Okay, so we all know that diets only work if you follow the rules. Therefore, the trick to successful dieting isn’t […]

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Hungry Day

October 9th, 2007

The only day worse than Monday is Hungry Day. A hungry day ironically happens when you’re doing well on the diet. You’re more or less satisfied with your chosen plan and recent progress. You have no real desire to cheat. Everything is otherwise fine. Except you’re hungry. All day. You wake up gnawingly hungry and […]

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That’s a Wrap, Part 2

September 14th, 2007

The “Twenty Minute” Trick paid off. I kept at it and—holy crap—the book is actually done. And by that I mean, done. So now what? Well, now it’s time to publish. After much thought (of which I will spare you and won’t rehash here) I’ve decided to publish with Lockshire Press. I shouldn’t have a […]

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Good News

September 7th, 2007

Good news on two fronts. This morning I hit the ten pound mark. After whining and feeling horribly dejected about my lack of progress a couple weeks earlier, I for once did not let it get the better of me. I stuck with it. It paid off. R.I.P., Ten Pounds. I won’t miss you. In […]

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Book Update

August 25th, 2007

If you’re wondering how things are going with the book: they’re not. After a frenzied wrap up earlier this year, things cooled down as I waited for feedback. Then I went on vacation. Then I got back from vacation to a failed hard disk. It took a while (both physically and psychologically) to recover from […]

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So Is That It?

August 24th, 2007

The best part of every diet is the start: you’re so fired up to finally make a difference in your life you’ll do just about anything: even crawl out of bed at five in the morning to exercise. (Okay, I’ve never been that fired up, but you get the picture.) Suffice it to say the […]

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Scared Slim Again

August 12th, 2007

I used “Scared Slim” as a chapter title in the book. At that point in the story, I was simply perturbed as I saw myself rise above two hundred pounds for the first time. (No big deal, really, considering I’ve spent the better part of the last eighteen years in that territory.) Today it’s a […]

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A Quest for Food

July 10th, 2007

“Well I’ll tell you something. This is no longer a vacation. It’s a quest. It’s a quest for fun.” —Thus spake Clark Griswold before completing his journey to Wally World, only to find it closed. (And no, I can’t believe it’s been twenty-five years since this movie came out.) We just got back from our […]

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Book Update

June 25th, 2007

I always assumed one purpose of school was to prepare us for life. Seems reasonable. Sure, we encounter many unknowns on our paths and school can’t possibly prepare us for everything. But you’d hope school could at least prepare us for what we’re guaranteed to face. But alas, no. School never sufficiently prepared me for […]

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Day One #61

May 21st, 2007

Guess what? Time for yet another Day One! You know what Day One is, don’t you? Every dieter should be very well acquainted with Day One. It’s the day after the day you decide you’re finally fed up with your bad self and are finally going to do something about it, dang it. It’s probably […]

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About Last Weekend

May 7th, 2007

Unfortunately, for me, most weekends last about three minutes. Fortunately, for my pancreas, most of my weekends don’t involve this much food. It all began on Friday evening with pizza. If you don’t know how much I like pizza yet, keep reading: you will. Pizza is proof positive of intelligent life in the universe. I’m […]

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That’s a Wrap

May 4th, 2007

Here’s a bit of trivia for you. If the published book ever makes it into your hands and you ever get to the last two pages, you’ll know that final “scene” took place today, Friday, May 4, 2007. That’s right. Today is the day I actually finished writing the book. Of course, being finished is […]

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May 2nd, 2007

Hi. I’m Charlie and I’m working on a book called Why Your Last Diet Failed You and How This Book Won’t Help You on Your Next One. I’m starting up this blog for two reasons: 1) an extension of the book and 2) a place to gather my thoughts about dieting, writing, and other time […]

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Welcome to Blog #12,752,196

May 1st, 2007

I hope you’re enjoying your tour of the blogosphere. On this stop, you’ll find commentary and opinions on everyone’s least favorite topic: dieting. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. “Not another flippin’ blog about dieting.” Well, I only have one thing to say about that: Yes, it is. And at the same time: No, it […]

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