Well, it could have been worse. (And it definitely has been worse, that’s for sure.) First the good news. I’m 216. That’s a gain of only about six pounds. For some of you, this may sound like a lot. But for me, the guy used to gaining ten, fifteen, or even twenty pounds in unbridled holiday chowing, this is a miraculously low number. Not only that, I really held it around 212 for most of the season, popping up to 216 only in the last week or so. Check it out:
Now the bad news. I’m 216. While I’m thrilled I didn’t gain twenty back over the holidays, the truth is I’m nowhere near my November low of 209.5. Worse, I have to face the fact that my graph has gone rather flat. First two months? Awesomeness. Last two months? Diddly squat.
But that’s okay! Because it’s a new year and that means…

on January 6, 2017 at 8:45 am
[…] 2008: Happy New Year […]