Week 16: More of the Same

I seem to have settled into what’s apparently my final weight. This current level of caloric intake and exercise has me essentially stuck at 217. That’s down 16 from when I began in mid-August but down essentially zero since mid-October.

I know the counter-argument by now: “But at least you haven’t gained it back!” Yes, yes, this is true. I lost 16 pounds in ten weeks and I haven’t gained any back in the following six weeks. But still. This isn’t how it was supposed to be.

I know the counter-argument by now: “It’s not supposed to be anything.” Yes, yes, this is true. But we know better. It’s supposed to be all rainbows and unicorns. You make up your mind to do something, and you do it. So what’s the problem?

Week 16
Starting Weight 233.0
Current Weight 217.3
Change from Last Week +0.3
Lost So Far 15.7
Pounds To Go 18.3

The problem is my brain. It makes decisions and rarely consults me before plowing ahead with a bad course of action. I know this is the antithesis of Roni’s philosophy, but unfortunately her philosophy is rooted in something called “optimism.” My philosophy is rooted in something called “Cheez-Its.” I’m still working on putting all of it into words. Trouble is, my brain is elsewhither at the moment.

But if it comes right down to it and on January 3, 2011 I’m still down sixteen pounds, I will call it a win. However, after that, it’s no more Mr. Nice Guy. Look out brain, I’m taking over.

8 Responses to “Week 16: More of the Same”

Helen said
December 7, 2010 at 5:11 am

My brain is a problem too, along with the never ending Chex Mix. I’m not even going to say at least you’ve lost 16. Because I know you are in search of Onederland. So I’ll just say, STOP EATING CHEEZ-ITS DAMMIT.

TexasDeb said
December 7, 2010 at 8:59 am

I read somewhere (you know “somewhere”? that unassailable font of absolute facts?) when you get within 10-15 pounds of what your body has determined as its set point, your metabolism works to slow down weight loss to a crawl, I think in case the glaciers start advancing….

Now I struggle to decide if I am the stupid one for having gained the weight to begin with, or my body is the stupid one for working against my efforts to drop the pounds off again. (and no need to point out me and my body are one and the same thanks, because neither one of us will listen).

biz said
December 8, 2010 at 9:21 am

I am with Helen – Chex Mix to me is what Cheez-Its are to you.

My plan is to just keep my head down, exercise as much as possible, and if I maintain this holiday season, I will consider it a victory. 😀

Charlie said
December 9, 2010 at 2:11 pm

Although I still like to talk about them, ironically I’ve only had Cheez-Its once since hopping on the train again last August.

And, to be clear Biz, Chex Mix is to me what Chex Mix is to you. It’s beyond Cheez-Its, that’s no lie.

The kitchen opens this weekend…

Julie said
December 9, 2010 at 9:16 pm

So if you are the engineer of this train and it’s not heading to Onederland does that mean my ticket isn’t any good anymore? Mr Engineer, get off your butt and get back to losing the weight that you really truly want to do. I don’t care if it’s -.1 or -1 or even more, it’s time to move that scale. Drink more water, each time you go potty do some exercise. You know, bend overs, squats, counter top pushups and if possible jog in place for a minute. If you drink lots of water, you’ll pee an extra 5 times a day and that adds up to 30 minute of exercise a day without dying doing it.
Come on Mr. Engineer, please drive this train to Onederland.
Take care Charlie, sleep well and God Bless!!

    Charlie said
    December 10, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    bend overs, squats, counter top pushups

    So how’d you find out my going potty routine?

Ali said
December 14, 2010 at 5:25 pm

Its brutal when the pounds stop…. & REFUSE to move.

Good luck & hoping they drop off to where you want to be soon.

LauraJayne said
December 21, 2010 at 1:36 pm

I think your posts are witty and fun – so I’m glad I stumbled across your blog today!
I lost over 120 pounds (and it took me FOREVER= five years) and I was actually at a plateau for almost a year before I reached my goal weight. I had to get pretty aggressive with diet changes before I saw the scale budge! I think everyone’s body is a little bit different, so the key is figuring out what will work for you!