Time is flying by faster than a . . . than a . . . than a thing that goes very fast. It still feels like this latest diet just started a couple days ago, but suddenly here we are three weeks into it. If this pace keeps up, it’s going to be Christmas soon.
I had a few “firsts” this week, but first let’s look at the graph, with the first three weeks’ data overlaid for effect:
The last two weeks seem to follow the exact same curve. What’s with Tuesdays, anyway? I’m glad you asked, because that’s our first first in my list of firsts. So without further ado, let’s take a look:
- First time I went nearly an entire day without drinking anything. Not by design. Just had a very busy day on Monday. I think the scale on Tuesday reflected that a bit.
- First time I felt my waistband start to slip a little. Hmmm…. that can’t be right, can it?
- First time (on this particular diet) that I allowed a few snacks back into the mix. After a very strict two and a half weeks, the crack-laced Pringles made a slight come-back.
- First time I exceeded 1900 calories in one day. Yeah, most days are fairly low for someone my size.
- First time I drank a diet soda in twenty-two days. (A new record)
- First time I went an entire day without eating peanut butter. (It’s a staple!)
Week Three | |
Starting Weight | 233.0 |
Current Weight | 224.0 |
Lost So Far | 9.0 |
Pounds To Go | 25.0 |
I also realized I didn’t take any good before pictures. Granted, at only three weeks in, it’s not exactly what I’d call “too late”. But I have lost nine pounds already. Plus I wrapped the tape measure around my middle and noted it’s already one inch smaller than when I started. I’ll take that.
So that’s this week’s update. So far, so good. And don’t forget, it’s never too late for you to hop on board!

on September 6, 2010 at 9:41 am
I’m a bit jealous of how ridiculously fast men lost weight compared to women. At the same time, I realize you have been putting in the hard work so congratulations are in order for our success so far! Keep it up! I am rooting for you!
on September 6, 2010 at 12:06 pm
I’m glad you realize it’s due to the actual effort and not just a typical flippant guy thing of, “Oh, I think I’ll lose ten pounds by walking to the mailbox and back before I settle in for another round of beer and chips.”
Believe me, this is hard. Just read the last nine months of this blog to find out how my Y-chromosome offers no help at all in getting my brain into gear.
It comes off fast at first because I have quite a bit extra to lose. I can get ten in a weekend just as “easily” as I can lose ten in three weeks. According to “medically ideal weight charts”, I started at anywhere from 59 to 101 pounds overweight.
It also comes off fast at first because I’m a 233-pound, five foot 10 male eating around 1700 calories a day. No magic formula here.
on September 6, 2010 at 12:09 pm
Also . . . I didn’t mean for that to sound overly defensive. I’m just a bit hypersensitive to any sort of hint that men have it easy when it comes to weight loss. Maybe some men do. I’m not one of them, whatever the numbers above say.
On a more important note: you typed your blog name wrong on your comment. (“nutrition” was misspelled). I fixed it here, but browsers have a way of remembering that and you may be inadvertently leaving comments lots of places without an easy way for people to follow you back. Might want to double check it.
Have a good one!
on September 6, 2010 at 3:22 pm
Great work, Charlie. Love those superimposed graphs. (Especially with the nice downward trend so clearly evident!)
on September 6, 2010 at 8:25 pm
YEAH for you Charlie. Keep it up, I’ll be back to the main car instead of the scenic car by next week. Hopefully sooner but we had a death in the family and this week I have a feeling is not going to be a good one.
Take care and keep up the great work. Keep sharing, keep teaching and keep commenting. Love it all.
on September 7, 2010 at 8:49 am
Crack laced pringles. Those things are worse than KFC. I feel guilty eating fried chicken. I feel nothing when I eat pringles.
Something is wrong here…
And yes, you have to show up. Turns out, I get to be more than an attendee this year. I wouldn’t have known about it of it weren’t for you. So, you need to come show me the ropes. Please please please???
on September 7, 2010 at 12:20 pm
Here you go!
See? There’s not much to ’em.
on September 8, 2010 at 5:20 am
Hey Charlie
Congrats! on your 2lbs loss. That is awesome!
I only wish weight loss was easy. We could eat all we liked one week, then lose it again the next…yay!
I didnt lose last week (in fact I gained, but dont tell anyone!)…..boohooo! But there are an infinite number of reasons why, so not worried. Should show a loss this week, so see you next week!! 😀
Chooo choooo!!