Two in One

I took a day off last Monday so this week you get double the pleasure, double the fun. (But no Doublemint gum. Well, unless you just go buy some on your own.)

Anyway, before telling any stupid jokes or making obscure movie references or rambling on as I typically do, I want you to check out what happened the week before last. After a mysterious rise two weeks earlier, I suddenly got that beautiful slope so many of us spend so many salads yearning for:

After starting in the danger zone (that zone above 197.5, which I consider way too close to leaving Onederland), I slid all the way down to 194: a new low for this go around. And I was ready for it too, since I hadn’t set a new low since April 10.

Then Murphy’s law kicked in over the weekend:

Even with that uptick at the end, I was still down 1.2 pounds from the previous week and I had set a new low. So I still felt pretty good. Then last week happened:

Week 42
Starting Weight 224.0
Current Weight 196.6
Change from Two Weeks Ago -0.3
Change from Last Week +0.9
Lost So Far 27.4

I felt pretty good about the 195 day, but it was only a temporary dip and now I’m skirting the danger zone again. Though I don’t feel like the Switch is actually off, it’s kinda flickering a bit, and that still has me worried. Worse, entering what I eat into the Daily Plate is getting harder. It used to come very easily but now I have to drag myself to do it, and that’s never a good sign. The good news is I’ve actually entered data 294 days in a row now. And I’m positive that’s made a huge difference this time around. But how much longer will I do it? I can’t imagine I’ll do it forever. Nothing lasts forever, except for that one fruitcake we keep passing around every Christmas.

10 Responses to “Two in One”

Helen said
May 18, 2009 at 7:28 am

I totally feel for you. I too have not been wanting to track my food properly and that’s never, ever a good sign for me as it usually signals the beginning of the end of my progress. HOWEVER, you’re so close, why don’t you try to streak to 365 days?

Tuscanystone said
May 18, 2009 at 12:03 pm

WOW! You’re ‘only’ .6 lbs away from losing 2 stone!! Lets just call it half a pound!

2 stone (28lbs) is awesome weight loss in anybody’s language.

I know what you mean about food logging tho. I haven’t done it for a while now. I’d like to think it’s because I know how many calories are in everything now. Which, in part, is true! However, I also know that tracking your food keeps you on the straight and narrow, physcologically speaking. So, try and stick with it and I will pick it up again too. Deal?

Tusc 🙂

    Charlie said
    May 18, 2009 at 9:25 pm

    And if you notice on that 194 day, I actually exceeded two stone. That was 30 pound day, though (to be honest) I didn’t even notice it right away. I’m looking forward to hitting that again. (And, eventually, that third stone: hey, it could happen. 🙂 )

      Tuscanystone said
      May 19, 2009 at 3:34 pm

      yeah, I noticed, but I didnt count it cos you didn’t! Told you before, I take my weight as the lowest in the week. Always. Whereas you are a martyr to the cause and take the average. Very brave of you 😉

      I know you’ll hit it again tho. It’s inevitable 😉

Tom Rooney said
May 18, 2009 at 12:28 pm

Way to go Charlie. Having one of those big drops makes you smile, but also make you wonder what you did differently.

Jenn@slim-shoppin said
May 18, 2009 at 12:43 pm

Keep going Charlie, you can do it!!

That was exciting to see the 194!!

Kelly said
May 18, 2009 at 3:32 pm

294 days of food journaling? Wow, I’m impressed! Stick with it!

Quix said
May 18, 2009 at 3:59 pm

I’ve experimented with food logging and not food logging. I can maintain just fine without logging, but I can’t really lose because my body is trying to feed itself as much as it needs to be in stasis, and it’s hard to not stop eating unless I have mathematical evidence that I should!

That being said, I’m confident that once I finish losing what I want to lose, I won’t have to log anymore. Hopefully.

    Quix said
    May 18, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    And uh, hit submit too fast. Fantastic job staying out of the danger zone, even if you are fluctuating a little bit.

bobbie said
June 1, 2009 at 9:09 am

I’ve been keeping a food journal for 8 years. Sometimes I forget to write the meal at the time I’m eating it [or I’m just lazy], but I usually try to journal everything by the end of the day. Many times over the years, I’ve gone over my calories… that is always a good reminder as to why we should write after every meal and/or snack. Good luck. I love reading your blog.