Something Fishy

Last week I talked about complained about the Pink Patch. However, I will give the pink people some credit: at the very least, it’s obvious they’re just some company hawking yet another weight loss product. This week, however, I want to look at the not so obvious ones.

We’ve all seen these ads. Everywhere. Anyone using Google AdWords on a web site that just happens to utter the word “weight” is going to get these delivered up in spades:


Like a lot of visual noise on the web, it didn’t take long for me to tune these out. But after I realized they weren’t going away any time soon, I started to look at them more closely. Aside from the fact that they all use the same basic message (and the graphical versions all seem to be endorsed by every major American broadcast network) the domain names caught my eye:


Hmmm… See a pattern? That’s right. They’re really sucky domain names. C’mon! We know we’re all a little more creative than that. For kicks, I clicked on a few and found out—wow—they’re all the exact same blog. Oh sure, they have different graphics and different text. But they’re generally the exact same template and they’re all pushing the exact same product: the miracle Acai Berry.

It’s kind of sad, really. Even more so than the Pink Patch because this is about as deceptive as it gets. They’re fake blogs written by marketing people trying to suck you into buying a product because it’s being promoted by “one of us.” They even go so far as to add fake comments, cleverly written to look like random people. Of course, by the time you get there, the comments are closed. Gee, imagine that.

I guess my only advice this week is: think before you click. I hope most of us can spot these things a mile off. But I know some people will always get sucked into it. I hate to repeat my message from four weeks ago but I think it’s worth getting the word out.

And dang. I just realized I forgot to be funny today.

21 Responses to “Something Fishy”

Christy said
November 20, 2008 at 2:54 am

Hmmm…how do we know you are real?

Just kidding…marketing people will could not be as funny as you.

Biz said
November 20, 2008 at 6:52 am

I hate all those ads too, especially the one with Racheal Ray’s face – could she really endorse that?

But, as you’ve said, they wouldn’t be out there if people didn’t buy them!

Tuscanystone said
November 20, 2008 at 7:10 am

I think if anyone’s been on a diet more than twice in their life they know that losing 800 pounds in 2 weeks just aint gonna happen!

However, I know there’s a sucker in me that weedles its way out when I’m in utter desperation and buys into anything! Yeah, I even bought patches once! (I’m not proud…lol)

The point is, of course these sites work. As much as we are sharp, intelligent, high-flying business people etc there is a part of us that hopes that someone will invent an quick fix. Diets are just so boring!

In the midst of a global recession, diets and love will always sell (and books!)

Tusc :o)

Jill said
November 20, 2008 at 7:27 am

Yeah, Charlie, where’s the funny today? I need the funny!

Tom Rooney said
November 20, 2008 at 7:35 am

I can’t stand these either (there may be one of these that lurk on my site though).

I also have a problem with the one’s that say Tony Romo’s IQ is 140, what’s yours? Sign on here to find out.

Charlie said
November 20, 2008 at 7:45 am

Jill: Sorry. I swore when I started this thing I wouldn’t just degrade into pointless ranting. We have the rest of the blogosphere to fill that niche.

How about I make up for it with one of my favorite jokes:

A cop pulls over a car with four old ladies driving 20 MPH on the highway. He rightfully decides they need a warning about the dangers of driving too slow.

“But I was doing the posted limit, officer,” the driver protested. She then added, “There was a sign just back there.”

Puzzled for a brief moment, it suddenly dawned on the cop what had happened. “Oh, ma’am, no. You see, this is Highway 20, not a 20 MPH zone. The speed limit here is 55.” He then looks around the car and notices the other ladies are all sitting still, wide-eyed, and white-knuckled.

“What’s the matter with them?” he inquired.

“I have no idea,” replied the driver. “They’ve been like that ever since I got off Highway 131.”

Liz Turtle said
November 20, 2008 at 7:53 am

The least they could do is make those stupid-a** ads visually appealing! UGH.

Megan said
November 20, 2008 at 10:01 am

I can’t stand those ads or those crazy marketers trying to lure people in their direction!

Jen said
November 20, 2008 at 10:02 am

Dude – you are a super slueth! I love that you just exposed these irritating people! I’m always suspicious, but not so good on the follow through…

Jill said
November 20, 2008 at 11:09 am

Ha!! Thanks Charlie – that made me lol! I can get on with my day now. =)

Jennifer said
November 20, 2008 at 11:46 am

I have seen that one about losing forty pounds in 10 weeks all over the place. And I love how it says, “as seen on CNN, or Oprah, or whatever! I never would have guessed they would have set up fake blogs to talk about it, very sneaky!!

Charlie said
November 20, 2008 at 12:09 pm

And even the “as seen on” is a bit dubious. It would be as if I’d talked about The Pink Patch on my blog then someone else ran an advertisement, “As Seen On Back to the Fridge!” Well, yeah, sure. That’s not technically wrong. But it sort of implies to the unwary reader that I’ve somehow actually endorsed them.

Kyddryn said
November 20, 2008 at 12:46 pm

“As seen on…” can mean it was mentioned in a paid advert. or an expose of some sort.

It’s really irritating, how some folks prey on desperation.

I remember losing my ever-loving mind one day when I read a hoodia advert claiming it cures diabetes and cancer – how many poor saps do you think went off their medication because they though some juice would cure them? And now they’re dead or hobbling around without toes, feet, or kidneys? Grrr…

Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who once thought hoodia was something you wore, and has Acai berry extract in her shampoo, which make it suspect as a comestible in her book)

Stephanie Quilao said
November 20, 2008 at 1:55 pm

zOMG! Have you seen the weight loss ads on Facebook as well??? Makes me wanna go ballistic, and it irks me to no un-end that they are using the blog template to trick people into believing the spam blog is like the stuff we positive healthy living bloggers are doing. Arrgghh! You hit a hot spot with me today (good way 🙂 as I want to change or counteract this somehow. Any thoughts??

Deborah said
November 20, 2008 at 2:29 pm

Gullibility keeps the world going ’round, I guess. Is that a word?

HangryPants said
November 20, 2008 at 5:03 pm

I guess I’ll stop taking all the weight loss ads I get on facebook so personally now. 😀

Laura Jane said
November 20, 2008 at 8:12 pm

I have seen those ads everywhere…I’ve never clicked on them, knowing that they’re probably selling something that wouldn’t actually help weight loss at all (or if it did it would harm your health in the process). I already have the weight loss “secret” and it’s free: eat less and exercise more. There really is no substitute no matter how much money you’re willing to pay. Those ads really are getting on my nerves, though – they’re everywhere.

Kyddryn said
November 20, 2008 at 10:54 pm

Hey, I just thought of something – if there’s Acai in my conditioner, is my hair going to thin?? Oh, noooooo…

Shade and Sweetwater,

Betsy in Pittsburgh said
November 21, 2008 at 6:50 am

I have a coworker who is quite overweight, and always seems to be looking for the next quick fix. When I came in the other day, on her desk was a post-it with the words… ACAI BERRY written on it. Very largely. Coincidence?

John's Weight Loss Blog said
January 16, 2009 at 4:25 am

Missed this when you first posted it – great post, and thanks for spreading the word about these scam sites!

RaiulBaztepo said
March 28, 2009 at 3:42 pm

Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
See you!
Your, Raiul Baztepo