Rerun: Here We Go Again

This isn’t the first Back to the Fridge rerun. But it is the first time I’ve decided to make it an actual feature of the site. Why? Well, I’m glad you asked! Roni has repeatedly tried to convince me that my blog inspires people. I consistently told her she was crazy, because—let’s face it—who finds inspiration from snarky, off-the-wall posts from a person whose only success is his Guinness-worthy number of failures? But, the thing is, she’s right. A fair number of you, both online and off, have used the “I” word in conjunction with this blog. In the immortal words of Mr. Spock: “Fascinating.”

Ironically, then, how it seems like I’m the one in need of some inspiration. While the web is plastered with success stories, one stands out more than all the rest: mine. I mean, after all, if I can do it, then I can do it too, right?

So I’m going back to my original Return to Onederland posts. And I’m not just re-reading them but re-posting them. This is primarily for my own benefit, but it’s also for you. If you’re new here, then you missed all the fun the last time I lost thirty pounds. So let’s relive it together and maybe we’ll all come out ahead. Sound like a plan?

Original Post Date: August 25, 2008

Ah, Onederland… that one-derful, almost mythical place where my weight, in pounds, begins with the number one. In the whole grand scheme of things, I suppose it’s not a very important place to be. The world has several trillion higher priorities. But unfortunately, this is one of mine.

At least it should be. I mean, if it were an actual priority I’d be there by now, wouldn’t I? The fact that I’ve had eighty-eight Day Ones is starting to make me think, “Hmmm… maybe this isn’t the priority I thought it was. Perhaps even I have several trillion higher priorities.”

If you’re new here, I highly recommend reading these two posts from the old blog to get you up to speed. [Click on each picture to view the original article from 2008.]

calendar scared

In short, about a year ago I started on my last trip back to Onederland. I dropped about twenty pounds in two months, then it stopped. Bam. After many half-hearted attempts at restarting, I finally got going again on July 28. I’ll keep you posted. I mean, of course I’ll keep you posted. It’s what this stupid blog is for in the first place.

Anyway, welcome to my first post of Back to the Fridge 2: Electric Boogaloo. Thanks for tuning in. I hope you like it here. Stop by every day for something new, or just be lazy and have the site delivered to you. Links are at the right.

5 Responses to “Rerun: Here We Go Again”

Happy Fun Pants said
June 24, 2010 at 10:03 am


Helen said
June 24, 2010 at 10:15 am

I need to know. Where are the Cheez-Its? Seeing them in your header is the only glimpse I get of them these days.

Roni is right. Good thing you listened to her.

Jenn@slim-shoppin said
June 24, 2010 at 1:42 pm

Yeah Charlie!

I like the part you said about your success story is the most important one.

I know this sounds hoaky, but last night on America’s Got Talent, there was this kid who was a magician, he was pretty good too, and Howie Mandell, said “What magician do you aspire to be like?” And the boy said “Me!”

So many times we look for what will help us on the outside! If I just had this, or if I could buy that, or if I had a gym membership, or if I could buy fancier foods, when you really come down to it, we are making the choices! So if those choices aren’t helping you, then make a different one.

Glad you are back Charlie!

Chris said
June 25, 2010 at 6:29 am

Love the roller coaster girl. I didn’t get the 161 til I read the post.

Yikes, makes me think I better check my blood sugar.

Loren said
June 28, 2010 at 3:46 pm

Roni’s right. I posted a simple comment on Facebook about a running breakthrough and I got 3 comments back. 1 asked how I got started running because she just couldn’t seem to get it. 1 was encouragement at the time, but once we were face to face she asked me about the program and is about to start it today. The third was just a friend who is already a runner, but he was asking me for encouragement. All this from one Facebook post, and I’m only on week 4 of couch to 5K. I’m learning first from bloggers like you and Roni that I have to do this myself, but I don’t have to do it by myself.