What? It’s October First already? That doesn’t sound right! Hang on, let me get my calendar.
flip, flip, flip, flip
Okay, according to my calendar here, it’s only April. I might give you May and as a very long shot maybe June. But in no case can it possibly be October already.
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In my last post, I promised to unveil the very slightly redesigned Back to the Fridge. However, as frequently happens in such matters, real life got in the way. I am now a bit gun-shy promising a new date, such as “tomorrow.” So let’s just go with Real Soon Nowâ„¢.
Enjoy my writing? Then don't forget to come back! I just might post something good tomorrow, too.
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Posted in Summer Break
Leave a Reply. All the cool kids are doing it.
September 28th, 2009
I just realized I missed the beginning of fall! It happened last week, September 22, 2009 at 4:18 central daylight time. I’m a bit astonished that I missed it because I’m definitely one of those geeks who rarely misses an astronomical event. Not to mention one of those geeks who also knows that September 22 […]
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September 10th, 2009
Welcome to the seventh and final part of How I Got Here. Our journey began in 1992 with a series of Arthur C. Clarke books and is about to end with my latest writing project. Ah, the latest writing project! So it’s finally come to that, has it? All right, here we go. In late […]
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August 31st, 2009
In 2004, while still plugging away at the video editing books, I got this strange idea. “Hmmm… Maybe I should write a book someone would actually want to read?” Not that people weren’t reading the video books. But they weren’t reading them, if you know what I mean. With my epic fantasy novel seemingly on […]
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August 25th, 2009
Well that was a fast year. (But aren’t they all?) Although BTTF existed before August 25, 2008, I really count that date as my blogoversary. That’s when I launched my (then) new look and got five-posts-per-week serious about this. Believe it or not, that site is still up. If you’re new here and missed it […]
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August 23rd, 2009
November 1996, Los Angeles. I’d had this video editing book idea in my head for four months now. Oddly enough, while talking to a product manager for Ulead Systems, he said to me, “We were thinking it would be good if you wrote a MediaStudio Pro book.” Well whaddaya know: I was thinking the very […]
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Comments Off on HIGH, Part 5
August 18th, 2009
So as soon as I realized I wanted to: 1) write and 2) have somebody read what I wrote, I smugly assumed I had it all figured out. Unfortunately (for me) I missed one minor variable in my calculations. I needed an actual topic. Coming off my Rings read just the year before, I felt […]
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August 17th, 2009
I’ve worked in software development my entire professional career. It’s a great livelihood for anyone who wants to experience the thrill of going from absolute brilliance to bone-headed stupidity twelve or more times a day. After I finished reading Lord of the Rings in 1992, I was by that point full swing into a project […]
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August 12th, 2009
Welcome to How I Got Here, Part Deux “I wonder what I should read next,” I wondered aloud at work one day. Stephanie, from the cubicle across from me, said, “I know exactly what you’re going to read next.” The very next day she handed me four paperbacks with odd titles about hobbits and rings […]
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August 10th, 2009
HIGH isn’t high. It’s an acronym for How I Got Here. In place of telling the planet how much I weigh this week, I thought I’d branch out a bit and give an extended, multi-part “About Me” series of posts. (Besides: I created that custom “summer vacation” graphic at the top of this page for […]
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July 20th, 2009
Hey, everybody! Yes, I’m still here. No, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth. I just went on vacation. And although I was only gone about a week, the beginning and end of the break just happened to land on my regular posting day: Monday. Hence, the long hiatus. Oh sure, I could […]
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on October 7, 2009 at 5:40 pm
That’s OK – I was going to check here EVERY DAY only I didn’t. So……. RealSoonNow works for me. Looking forward to seeing where this bus stops next.
on October 8, 2009 at 2:54 pm
Hahaha… SoonTM was a big thing at my last company. 🙂 I learned better than to ever promise a date after missing a few of them. Looking forward to seeing the new and shiny.
on October 8, 2009 at 11:38 pm
I miss your posts Chowlee! But I know how life/work gets in the way!
on October 11, 2009 at 10:04 am
New launch date: Tuesday the 13th, Biz.
on October 9, 2009 at 7:10 pm
Today was the first snowfall of the year in my city. I was not impressed. What’s it doing snowing in June, anyhow?!