Week 4: Levelling Out

Is it Monday again already? Must be time for another graph!

Graph: Week 4

While each week’s graph is still pointing down, there are two emerging trends: 1) the slope isn’t quite as dramatic as it used to be, and 2) the lines are a lot closer together. I don’t understand this. This is me we’re talking about. I’m a professional. I should have some divine right to easy weight loss, right?


Nope. I’m just a person and like everyone, I still put my pants on two legs at a time, typically by jumping off the garage roof onto the trampoline, doing two forward flips, and landing in my pre-positioned jeans standing in the back yard.

I’m still positive I’m not eating as much as I should be, ironic as that sounds. Not counting Saturday, of course, when I had a completely unplanned encounter with a pizza. That was my highest caloric day on this recent program: about 2,500 calories. By contrast, today (Sunday) it’s 8:42 in the evening and I’ve had fewer than 1,300 calories for the day. Again, it’s not that I’m trying to starve myself. It’s just been that kind of day.

Week Four
Starting Weight 233.0
Current Weight 223.5
Lost So Far 9.5
Pounds To Go 24.5

Technically, I’m down a half pound this week, just squeaking in that last half pound drop with ten seconds left on the clock. But it was back to 224 the very next day. I think the most frustrating part about this isn’t the fact that I’m stuck (and yes, I know I’m not really stuck) is that I’m exactly at the weight I was when I began my last return to Onederland. I’ve lost nine pounds just to get back to the previous starting point.

Anyway, it’s all good. How’s everybody else doing? Remember, it’s never too late for you to hop on board!

6 Responses to “Week 4: Levelling Out”

Anna said
September 13, 2010 at 5:05 am

Hey Charlie

Congrats on your half pound. You are certainly heading in the right direction 🙂 As you know, some weeks are better than others, don’t ask me why, its just the scale demon sent to try us!

Last week I lost nothing.

This week I lost 2lbs. But that wasnt before I put it on again with a restaurant meal in between.

It’s not easy hun. This is for sure!!

But we are in this together!

Lost this week- 2lbs
Total loss since joining train – 4lbs (+5lbs before train, so 9lbs lost alto!)
Pounds to go – 23lbs

Anna 😉

PS Congrats on getting back to where you were in the first place!! That’s a place you need to promise to NEVER revisit!! Bit like me, as I was 20lbs heavier than this a couple years ago and I’m not, not, NOT going back there. I felt awful! Grrrr!

Helen said
September 13, 2010 at 5:42 am

What was that song about getting right back where we started from? It was a 70s song so maybe you’re too young to remember it?

I’ll take your half pound and raise you a full any day.

Put down the popcorn and move along now.

tracy said
September 13, 2010 at 11:01 am

RIght Back Where We Started From ~ Maxine Nightingale lol…. summer of 75.

Being the pro that you are, you know the scale is a fickle lover. She’ll come around if you stay on the train. One of the judges on So You Think You Can Dance likes to put the hotties on the Hot Tamale Train. Is that the train we’re on?;-)

Tish said
September 13, 2010 at 1:02 pm

You’re doing fine. I still love your graphs–very cool to show the previous weeks above like that. Have you looked at the physicsdiet.com site that will show your daily weights using averaging so that the jerky ups and downs are diminished. Check it out. How I’m doing? As of my WI last Wednesday, I’ve lost 3.4 pounds since Aug 11th (the week I climbed on the train), and 27.4 since May 1st. I think it’s looking good to lose at my WI this week, too.

    Charlie said
    September 14, 2010 at 8:48 am

    Actually, on my “official” graphs, I do post the average for the week once a week. It’s my preferred method because I believe it’s more representative of reality. But here, and especially in the first four to six weeks, I like to see the daily blips because I like graphs and numbers and numbers and graphs.

Biz said
September 13, 2010 at 8:53 pm

As much as I’d like to be my size 8-10 again, I am glad I am not back up to 210 pounds, so I’ve got that going for me!

Can’t wait to see you later this week! I finally told Momma you were coming – I thought you were going to tell her!

Love, your prettier sister, Biz